Slaughtering 670, 3035 injured and Zionists still thirsty…ذبح 670 وجرح 3035 والصهاينة لايزالون عطشى

Source: Albadeel Al-Iraqi (Hurry up.. finsh it… The smell is flourished)

Israel Elite Brigade Toll Climbs;Gaza Quagmire Deepens

"مقاتلون" من �ماس

It’s the eleventh day of the Israeli offensive on Gaza and the fourth day of the ground operation. 11 days have passed and Israel has so failed to achieve any clear objective; a reason to dump all calls for ceasefire. On the ninth of January, PA chief Mahmoud Abbas’s term ends and on the twentieth of January US President Barack Obama takes the oath.

Time is not in Israel’s favour as elections are a few weeks ahead. The political confusion has been reflected recently on the battleground in Gaza. Israeli elite soldiers are getting killed, at least 3 on Monday night alone and settlers are still haunted by Palestinian resistance rockets. Practically, nothing has changed in Gaza for Israel to save face. The stigma of Israel’s blood thirst in Gaza, however, adds another paragraph to the books of Israel’s reference to massacres. أقرأ باقي الموضوع »

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